Monday, April 11, 2011

Curtain Call

Bff Megan asked me to post how to make curtains. It's actually quite simple, seeing as how I stay with a super-easy pattern that gets made up as I sew. Really, nothing too special or fancy to these.

The funny thing about this set of curtains is how quickly they were made. The Baker's were coming in town, and I had about 3 days to decide on some fabric and get them done. I tend to freak out a bit when people are coming over- last minute cleaning and a bit of redecorating. Then I sit on the couch, hoping to look calm, cool & collected. I wonder if my guests ever pick up on that?

So off I went to the fabric store, and I found this- problem was, it was the end of the bolt, with about 2 yards. I figured there wasn't going to be enough fabric for all three windows in the tiny kitchen, but it was worth a shot. Indeed, not even close to being enough fabric, so I had to choose another complimentary one.

I wanted to get something that I could use on the other two windows, but wasn't as bold as the fabric with the flowers. Ta-daaa, my favorite color with some teeny polka dots. And I bought some pom pom trim to sew along the bottom edge. This time, I think I got 3 yards, so I wouldn't have to mess around with not having enough fabric.

Step one. I never really thought this was an important step, but it really is. It makes a HUGE difference in the finished product. IRON IT. The whole piece of fabric. After you cut your fabric to size (I eyeball, but measuring would probably help also.), iron the edges of where you're going to sew. I sew the left and right hems first- probably an 1/8" hem or so.

I promise I don't sew in the dark. This photo just looks like I do. But in order to get a straight hem, you first have to iron the fabric in a straight line. Then I follow the footplate to get the hem parallel to the edge of the fabric.

I generally sew the bottom first, but with the edge trim being sewn on the bottom, I wanted to work on the top ruffle first. So I made sure to have about 5" of fabric folded at the top, giving me about 2-2.5" of ruffle at the top. I sew the bottom hem of the pocket first.

Also, good tip here- fold the bottom edges in a bit when you sew. This will decrease the chance of showing the back fold when you hang the fabric. Trust me. It works.

After the bottom hem, I sew the top hem of the pocket. I give about 1.5-2" for the pocket, but this all depends on the curtain rod you are using.

I loooved the pom pom thing- a bit of whimsy. But if they had it, I would get trim with a larger ribbon. This ribbon was super-narrow, and hard for me to navigate the needle to sew in a straight line.

And ta-daaa! My little baby curtain in my little baby kitchen.

It will probably help to measure. I rarely do that, and I just live with the result. :)
I also didn't pin anything- I figured the ironing would do the trick. Which it did, but if you're not super-comfortable with sewing, you might as well go ahead and pin where you want to sew. It sure doesn't hurt.

Also, plan ahead and don't sew curtains one day before the in-laws get in town. You won't have to feign relaxation and can actually make some fun things for their visit.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! Super cute! I love the fabric you chose, and the poms are a nice touch. What kind would you suggest for a bay window? I'm going to locate a fabric store stat.

Roadrunner Chronicles said...

Nice Job!!