First thing in the morning, I had to take a photo of us getting ready to leave. Ed was so freaked out by Glen that he wouldn't sit down next to him. The lunchpail had to be used as a buffer. Even then, Ed eyed Glen with a mistrust and almost a hint of disdain.
Then Glen and I were off! I still have a hard time actually touching Glen. You see, at one time, he was a living, breathing Mallard. (I'm saying Mallard, when in fact, I have no idea what he is. Should you happen to know what kind of bird Glen is, please inform.) And now, Glen is stuffed. With fake eyes and stuff. It's gross.
Regardless, Mallard and I are here. At work. I had to carry him in to the office, and I must say... I walked faster than normal. And normal is pretty fast. You see, when I was young, Randolph (my lovely Father) would always tell me... "Kelly, walk with purpose." And so that is what I do. I walk with purpose.
You will find below comments that happened on National Bring Your Mallard To Work Day. And Reactions. And Occurrences.
10:02am... "Kelly, is there a bird on your desk?"
11:12am... By the way, Glen smells bad.
1:53pm... "So do they send all of their friends... birds?" (In reference to the gift of Glen for Christmas from my lovely and thoughtful friends.)
2:45pm... "What kind of bird is that? Looks like a pretty good bird."
Me: "To eat? or to befriend?"
Other Person Who Shall Remain Nameless But Will Have Every Word Capitalized To Indicate Their Importance In My Work Days: "No, no... To befriend."
3:26pm... Someone stole the Mallard.
****Glen has been located based on the comment to follow****
4:10pm... person one: "oh my gosh, you just touched it!!!"
Person Two (Again, Indicating Importance With The Capitalized Words): "It's okay, I'm going to wash my hands."
4:28pm..."Your bird is on my desk, but I don't really want to move it because they kinda freak me out."
4:51pm... "Hey, nice duck."
YAAYYYYYAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love glen!!!!!!
YAAYYYAAAYYYYYYYYAAYYY!!!!!!! i love mr.glen!!!!!
YYAAAAYYYAYAAAYAYAAAYYY!!!!!! i love mr.glen!!!
Kelly.. I love it! So funny! I wish we worked together and lived closer to each other!
Oh my - poor Glen. Being rejected by Ed...
Ed? Ed doesn't reject anyone.... Mr. Glen.
Kelly - your Mallard looks kind of like a Bufflehead.
This is Hilarious
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