Thursday, January 14, 2010

Again with the talented friends.

This is the same talented friend that made the headboard. He makes cakes for people. Last year, his most notable cake was most likely an armadillo cake for our friend, Joncowboy. This year, the cake was for our friend Amber. She's a princess.

And lucky for me (and you!), Rickybobby took process pictures so now you, too, can make a princess cake.
Bake the dang cakes. In this cake, the bundt is a very important tool.

[upon receiving a bundt cake from Mrs. Miller]
Maria Portokalos: It's a cake! I know! Thank you! Thank you very, very much.
[whispering to Aunt Freida]
Maria Portokalos: There's a hole in this cake!

Assemble the cakes. The more frosting, the better.

Again, more frosting, please!

Once the bottom two layers are properly iced, bundt it up!

Apparently, they ran out of frosting here and had to go to the store. It's also a good idea to let the cake rest a little bit, so it won't crumble all over the place.

Make sure you have the right tools. And enough frosting. At this stage, make sure your frosting is dyed the correct color that you wish the skirt of the dress to be.

Frosting has been properly applied.

Now, frosting must be properly styled.

Start piping on the decorative details of the dress that are necessary. You can also use sprinkles and glitter if the piping isn't your forte.

Skirt complete.

omigosh! I'm a princess!! Ta-daaaaa!!

Add your message to the platter.

And then let that girl chill.


1 comment:

Hillary Clarendon said...

my dad made one of these when i was little!