Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Julie, Julia & the blog

Last night, I went to a book club. And we watched a movie. About a book. That counts, right? So let's begin; my very first book club. I never wanted to be one of those "book club girls." The thirty-somethings that are unmarried, that drink wine, commiserate about their singleness and how romantic a book is. But lo and behold, there I was... drinking wine... talking about books. Now, I tend to get quite distracted in large-group conversations, so I found myself getting lost when these women were talking... Popeye was on the large screen. How could you not get distracted about this? Anyway. Fast forward to the movie (Julie & Julia).

Fantastic. Funny, witty, cute, clever... all of those. And inspiring. Julie (main character) cooks her way through Julia Child's cookbook and blogs about it. Dedication! But now I'm completely inspired to do something similar. I haven't decided quite yet what it is that I am going to do... Suggestions? Ideas? I read this blog about doing something new every single day for 365 days. Quite interesting. But what about cupcake-ing? My bff and I have this grand idea to one day open up a cupcakery/craftsy shop. Could it have something to do with that?

I'm not sure. But I'm taking suggestions.


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