Thursday, August 27, 2009

an amazing thing called meat cupcakes.

I am thrilled to guest blogging at Kelly's request :) Kelly was intrigued by a recent dilemma of mine. About a week ago, I was confronted by a horrifying proposition. I was responsible for providing birthday goodies for my friend Susan's birthday. This would usually send me into fits of delight; baking is always a wonderful way to spend an afternoon if you ask me. However, quite literally the day before this revelation, Susan told me she was strictly on the Atkins diet. What do you make for someone who only eats meat and cheese??? As I pondered this thought, all I could think of was Susan telling me how she loves the diet because she simply orders meat at a restaurant and then inquires as to if they might be able to add bacon and cheese to it. Bacon cheese steaks are not really my idea of birthday goodies. And thus, the brilliant invention of the meat cupcake.

Now, I understand the total revulsion to the idea, but I have to say, they are at least 80 times prettier then what you first pictured in your head. Not that I would have particularly enjoyed it as a dessert myself, but then, that would be why I made mango sorbet for all of us non-meat for dessert folks. These are my little creations. Three varieties in fact. So the next time you are faced with a similar dilemma, might I suggest that a little prosciutto, salami and pepperoni can brighten an Atkins's birthday. Plus, then you too can claim the title of Maker of Meat Cupcakes. And really, who doesn't want that?

oh, and for those out there who honestly would want the recipe, here you go:
1- buy cold cuts.
2- curl into pretty, less deli meat style piles.
3- stick in silicone baking cups.
4- refrigerate until serving.


1 comment:

Megan said...

I like to think they actually hold their form as an entire cupcake. Fantastic!