Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Richmond Christmas Glory...

Whoa, this is super-late. (But still incredibly amazing. Don't you worry about that.) On the fateful night of the finger-cutting, emergency-room visit, Sara and I had to stop and take some photos of how Richmond "does" their Christmas lights. There's an unusual style to Richmond-specific light-hanging. They usually have some odd type of drape-y, asymmetrical-ness to it all. Believe me, there is no true term to describing it.

Naturally, homes in richmond have large (about 4-5' tall kind of large) steel dogs in their front yards. With Christmas wreaths hung around their necks. Naturally.

Unfortunately for us, this was the best shot of the drapey-ness I was talking about earlier. We really did enjoy the lights on the INSIDE of the porch, though.

Also in our quest for the Christmas miracle, we made a stop into a local thrift store and found some beauties. The clown parade arrived a bit before we did... in full makeup and costumes.

Forgive me for not knowing my punkmetal bands... Kiss? Maybe? Really? WHY WOULD YOU EVER GIVE THIS AWAY?!?!!?

Did you know that both penguin and santa were hand picked to be the faces for Captain Morgan? True story. They parted ways shortly after their first gig, citing irreconcilable differences.

The beauty of this craft astounds me. The angels with sailor costumes and red hair? Truly magnificent.

and lastly, our absolute faves. two light bulbs covered in plaster and decorated as snowmen. "may your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmas' be white."


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