Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The adventures of Bossman Hambone.

As long as you're familiar with the workings of Outlook and meeting requests, this will make sense.

So I sent out an update to a previous meeting request that people didn't reply to. As the manager of the "Events" calendar at work, I take these infractions very seriously. Punishable by the withholding of schwag.

Bossman Hambone replied to the event invitation with an email that said he couldn't go. (Along with a very detailed writeup as to why he couldn't go. None of which I am interested in.)

I replied, asking him to reply "no" to the calendar invitation.

He replied to the email with "NO" written in all caps.

What a guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He eventually followed directions. I will give him that. But that is all he gets.