Monday, April 26, 2010

there's sunshine in my heart.

In the summer between my junior and senior years of college (summer of '04), I enrolled in an independent study graphic design class. I had decided that what the world needed was not another poster, or another record cover, or another logo. What the world needed was some new greeting cards. I've loved letters- getting them, writing them... it was one of the few ways I was able to communicate with my Grandma when I was younger. So, noticing that most of the "christian" greeting cards made me want to vomit, I decided to... remodel them a bit. I created a line of greeting cards that excited me and made me laugh. It's been almost 6 years in the making, but I've finally decided to do something about these cards that have been waiting their turn. Well, dear friends... here they are. I bought a bottle of champagne tonight after posting the cards, hoping to drink it when I sold my first card. (I expected these cards to take a couple of weeks to sell.) And God surprised me. Delighted me. And Loved me. I drank the champagne tonight. :)

I sure do love his love (go ahead... click it! it works!!)


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