Sunday, November 15, 2009

I found it!

Well, I found multiple things. One, I found my new favorite store... Called EQ3, they have a *bunch* of great stuff there. Mostly a modern vintage-y vibe, but also set up similarly to Ethan Allen. Which makes no sense. Because Ethan Allen is neither modern nor vintage. Silly. I'm talking about the showroom-style-ness of it all. But you can also run in and grab stuff. The floor samples are super-cheap, so next time I'm looking for some furniture, I'm going there. Or rather, the first time I ever go furniture shopping, I'm going there. Maybe when I grow up, I'll look into that.

Two, I found my new duvet cover. I bought one, brought it home, and it was all wrong. Wrong color, wrong vibe, wrong wrong wrong. And it was like $130 or so. Which was a bit out of my price range. So I took it back and got this one instead. Right right right. Exactly what I wasn't looking for and fell in love with anyway. (Wonder if that's how it's going to be with my future hubby?!) Anyway, I digress. Took this bad boy up to the register, and plopped down a whopping $32. A birthday miracle!! And happiness happens to me any time I walk into my room.



Roadrunner Chronicles said...

bingo! you got it. nice job.

Greta said...

Hey - I remember when we bought that accent pillow that's in the front!