Saturday, October 31, 2009


Seriously, sorry. I haven't posted in so long. After getting a job, I moved. And I've been moving in and settling in to my new Dallaslife. I finally feel like things are coming together- especially after I could cross a few projects off my list. First, I felt it necessary to make a headboard. The other projects will be coming in later posts. So here's what I came up with... I still have a little bit of tweaking to do- more flowers, and some rearranging, but cousinHeidi keeps asking me for dang pictures.

Problem: The bed has nothing to anchor it.

Step one: (well, the real step one wasn't documented, so we're going to start here instead.) Mount the hanging board to the wall. I took a 2x4 and cut it at a 45 degree angle- mounted one side to the headboard, and one side to the wall... that way, the headboard will just rest in place and can be redone when I get bored with the color.

Step two: obviously, make sure it's level.

Three: Make sure it hangs at the correct height above pillows.

Four: Make sure you have all the supplies you will need- In this case, I bought a few yards of batting to cushion the board.

Lay the board flat on top of the fabric & batting. Then staple the fabric and batting to the board.

Hang it up!! Make sure the fabric looks decent and doesn't pull in strange places.

Again, I forgot to document a step- where I made fabric flowers out of scraps I had laying around. After I made the flowers, I then pinned them to the headboard.

Here are two of the flowers pinned in place...

And more of the flowers pinned in place!! I want a lot more flowers to be pinned on, but that's going to have a to wait for a bit.

I had to make my halloween costume first. :)


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