Friday, June 29, 2012

Last Night.

As we prepare for domestication, we spend most of our nights cooking (and eating) dinners together, followed by crossing things off our to-do list.

Last night's to-do list was as follows:
Work out (body by Heath for me!)
Grocery Shopping (J's favorite chore)
Cut J's hair (my third attempt, with successful results.)
Practice songs for a wedding this weekend (obviously, this was not my task.)
Wrap wedding presents (obviously, this was not J's task.)
Wash dishes from dinner

It was in the last task where we arrive to our story. My house is about 40ish years old, on a crawl space, and near the beach. Aka, I have bugs. Lots of them. Big ones. Frequently. I've been pretty good about killing them myself, always having a flip flop around with which to kill them, and disposing of dead bugs. Except for last night. Conversation was as follows:

BEHIND THE SHELF. Hold on. I'll move this stuff out of the way. (pause. pause. pause.) THERE HE IS!
OGIAOIGNSGOIN!!!! (flick giant cockroach to the floor)
Gross. His head and his body are in two different places.

Welcome to the House of Gold.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

a little more about him...

Shortly after getting engaged (as in about 2.5 hours after), I was asked by a girlfriend how I knew he was "the one."

Imagine, for a second, what it might feel like to continue to want to be around someone after a few months. And not only that, but be constantly delighted by them. A man that recognizes if you are unhappy and encourages you to talk about it with him, even if that involves tears. A man that will carry you over a puddle, getting his feet wet, so you don't get your running shoes wet. A man that repeatedly makes you proud to be associated with. Someone that makes you laugh when you're cranky, makes you smile when you're sad, and makes your heart bounce around inside your chest whenever you think about seeing him next.

I knew, within weeks, that this was the man I was to marry. There was never a doubt in my head that, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health, this man is to be my other half. He makes my life better, richer, healthier.

This man makes me proud of him on a daily basis. He is excellent at everything he does. Or, if not, strives for excellence in everything he does. He is a gifted musician, incredibly intelligent, compassionate, diligent, caring, strong, manly, and worth my respect. He has been through much, and has proved himself to be a man that seeks after God regardless of his circumstances.

I have 47 days until I can call this man my husband. It is a fantastic thing that I will be able to spend the rest of my life loving and caring for him.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My friends.

I have some very funny friends.

 me:  i want stretchy pants tonight.
so bad.
unnamed friend:d:: i'm not even wearing pants....

Monday, June 4, 2012

May 27, 2012

The day started in a typical vacation-y fashion. I woke up in the RV after sleeping in a bit, and received a text from J... "Good morning love! It's a beautiful day in paradise!" This immediately triggered my spidey senses, seeing as how I normally wake up to a text of... "I feel like crap", "I'm so tired", or (my personal favorite) "It tastes like a cat took a dump in my mouth." I replied with a hearty "You're all sunshiney today", replied with a "Because you're in my life shuger face britches head." (side note... I love this man.)

I went ahead and got ready for church, along with Mom and Dad, where we met J and his 3 besties from out of town. They came over for a cookout at the RV after church (but not before J's car broke and I had to go rescue them), which consisted of about 3ish hours of hanging out. (side note... the car was fixed in 10ish minutes by our amazing mechanic-friend.)

J started the whole process by telling me Saturday night that he wanted me to go with him to the beach Sunday night, so we could hang out... just the two of us. No bros. I was hesitant then, seeing as how I enjoy my quiet time. He persisted on Sunday afternoon, telling me that the bros were all going to go to the beach and fish, inviting me to go along. I was not interested in doing that. He asked again, saying it'd be fun. I thought it would be more fun to go back home, put on some stretchy pants, and scratch Ed. Finally, minutes before the bros were to leave, J swiped my keys and informed me that he would be driving me back to his house, where we'd all change and go to the beach. I had no choice.

Mysteriously, all the bros had to go to Kroger to get shrimpbait for their fishing escapades. I sighed with some relief, knowing that I'd have some alone time with J. We went to one of our favorite beaches that had zero people on the shore, set up our blanket and chairs, and spent some time just catching up. (side note... he kept checking his pockets on the drive over there. Spidey senses were once again raised.)

He pulled a note out of his pocket (one of my favorite things to get from him is notes), and had me read it. (It was real nice and even had a drawing of the two of us and our dogs. The man knows how to draw his stick figures.) Then we chatted some more, and he pulled a second note out of his pocket. (Spidey senses on code red high alert at this point.) It said... "Will you marry me?" and had three boxes to check... all of which were variations of "yes". Then he pulled out the ring (the exact one I was hoping for). Through happy tears, I said yes.

Then all the bros popped up over the sand dunes like prairie dogs and congratulated us.

It was a good day, spent with some of my favorite people.

I can't wait to marry this man.