Quick update- Still haven't found a job, but am in the hunt. Stalking jobs like prey on the animal channel. This I learned from Ed.
First good news, I'm getting a sister!! No, Mom and Dad aren't pregnant. That would be super-weird. Adam popped the question, and him and Meghan are getting married! So excited about that, and also really excited about visiting Canada. Never been up there, so I've actually been emailing Meghan my questions about Canada. Such as... do they have libraries? Does everybody play hockey and/ or curl? Is it always snowy in Canada? Anyway. Really excited to be getting a Mrs. Meghan Warnerbaker. (Wonder if she'll combine names?)

Second good news. We got the For the Love of Meghan bracelets in! These will be used as fundraisers for her- minimum of $5 donation (shipping not included), maximum donation of a bazillion dollars!! Email me (comment if you don't already know my email address) if you're interested- you can obvi buy more than one, too!!

Anyway, super excited to be sharing those two good things.